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Updated by Beth Kanter on Apr 13, 2018
Beth Kanter Beth Kanter
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Tumblr and Nonprofits

A list of nonprofits using tumblr and some tips and best practices

5 Content Lessons for Non-Profits on Tumblr

Non-profits, like many other businesses and organizations, are finding that Tumblr can be a home run for content sharing and storytelling. The viral blogging platform offers easy tagging, image posting and video sharing. But don't get too excited just yet. A killer Tumblr post is different from one on Blogger or WordPress.

How to Make Tumblr Work for Camp

by Kevin Martone I am often asked if camps should use Tumblr, the popular blogging platform. Tumblr includes social tools that make it easy to post photos, videos, and short text entries, and "reblog" content between separate Tumblr blogs. Tumblr blogs exist outside of an organization's official website.

Hi! We're Planned Parenthood

Someone asked us: Is it possible to be pregnant and still have your period? Hundreds of people ask us this question every day on our chat and text lines.

The Quick and Dirty Guide to Tumblr for Small Business

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. With the rise of Pinterest and Tumblr's astounding growth, it seems that 2012 may be the year of the visual platform.

Your Tumblr Blog: Why I Hate It | V3 Kansas City Integrated Marketing and Social Media Agency

Posted by Shelly Kramer on March 11, 2013 ยท 12 Comments Have a Tumblr blog? That's terrific. But for what it's worth, I think it's a bad idea to rely exclusively on Tumblr for your blog. And if you're a business, it's an even worse idea.

National Geographic Found

Servicewomen read National Geographic Magazine at a beauty parlor in Illinois. Photograph by Luis Marden, National Geographic

Housing Works Bookstore Cafe

We are a nonprofit bookstore, cafe, and event space in downtown NYC. All proceeds from every show you attend and everything you buy, down to a record and a PBR, go directly to our mission of fighting...

Content Marketing: 7 Tips for Visual Eye Candy | Heidi Cohen

Does your marketing content act as an attention magnet to attract the largest audience possible? If not, then check out Tumblr, a six-year-old content sharing community with impressive numbers that's not on many marketers' radar even though it's similar to a website or blog.

Five Nonprofit Organizations Connecting with Tumblr | Social Media Strategy for Nonprofits and Businesses

Tumblr, the visual blogging platform, is a hidden gem of the blogging world. For organizations with visual content, a younger demographic (though not a requirement), and a commitment to regular blogging, Tumblr may be the perfect blogging channel.

Machaneh Na'aleh

When I returned from East Coast Mifgash last week I did not think I would end up writing this post (even though I had a lot to say) because I deemed it irrelevant to the purpose of this blog. However, in light of the recently published question regarding Na'aleh's relationship to the six other machanot in North America I have reconsidered.

Organizing for Action

THE PRESIDENT: Don't stop. Keep on going. Don't stop. Stay fired up. Are you fired up? AUDIENCE: Fired up! THE PRESIDENT: Are you ready to go? AUDIENCE: Ready to go! THE PRESIDENT: Fired up! AUDIENCE: Fired up! THE PRESIDENT: Ready to go? AUDIENCE: Ready to go! THE PRESIDENT: Fired up!

It Gets Better

The It Gets Better Project was created to share messages of hope with LGBT youth.

Museums on Tumblr: Best Practices

The staff blog of the MASS MoCA team gives behind the scenes insight on what it's like to work at the museum on a day to day basis, the subject of which segues into conversations about art and interactions with museum visitors.

Tumblr | Social Media Examiner

How much do you know about the microblogging site Tumblr? Launched in 2007, Tumblr has experienced tremendous growth over the past several years. Forbes reported that 120,000 new Tumblr blogs are created every day, totaling 86 million that drive 18 billion page views per month.

25 'F*ck Yeah' Tumblrs You Aren't Following Yet

Tumblr practically houses a Library of Congress-sized inventory of blogs. After one of its first ( Fuck Yeah Sharks) went viral, hundreds more have spilled onto the web, celebrating everything from veggie burritos to men in plaid with an enthusiastic "Fuck Yeah!" Here are 25 hilarious, cute, touching or downright confusing Fuck Yeah Tumblrs.

Now That's A Spreadsheet!

A blog to showcase nonprofit social media, marketing, and measurement spreadsheets and tips.

Should You Tumblr?

I just spent the last weekend grilling my friend's fourteen-year-old niece about her cohorts' use of digital media. Did you know that teenagers don't use email? They love Snapchat and something called Kick? And Facebook - never, ever Facebook! Everything changes so fast. Even my opinions about Tumblr.

How To Build The Perfect Tumblr Profile For Business

Tumblr needs to be considered for every brand's picture-perfect content marketing strategy in 2014. With native buying behavior focusing on the visual experience, brands need to be presenting their story at the multitude of customer touchpoints. This content consumption behavior demands that brands evolve into a curator and syndicator of their content assets on visual and graphical platforms like Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest.

6 Reasons Why Your Charity Should Embrace Tumblr

Tumblr can be a bit confusing. Is it a blog? Is it a social media platform? The answer is both. And it's its hybrid nature that makes it a such a great tool for getting your message across. The micro-blogging platform was founded in 2007, and now hosts over 188 million blogs.