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Updated by Wesley Fryer on May 29, 2013
Wesley Fryer Wesley Fryer
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Radio Show

Moving at the Speed of Creativity | Normalize Audio Recordings Before Publishing a Podcast

In this 11 minute screencast, I demonstrate how to use free software tools including Audacity, The Levellator, and Switch to "normalize" an audio recording before publishing it as a podcast. The process of normalization makes the volume levels in a recording more even, so the listening experience is better for podcast subscribers.

TeacherCast Podcast -

The TeacherCast Podcasting Network is the home for Educational Professional Development. "A Place for Teachers to help other Teachers"

Recordium | See what you hear

Recordium is a powerful, yet elegant, voice recording app designed for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Recordium's intuitive user interface, smooth playback, and multiple options for tailor-making the size and quality of the recordings using different compression formats, are only some of the features that make this app an essential tool for everybody, especially students, journalists, and musicians.Recordium's powerful file/folder management system enables you to categorize and access your files quickly and easily.