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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Cold Weather Essentials – For When you ‘free’ time and ‘freeze’ time collide
Joanna James Joanna James
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Cold Weather Essentials – For When you ‘free’ time and ‘freeze’ time collide

Whenever we think of a vacation, in our minds, it is automatically all sun, beach and margheritas for some odd reason, we wonder why. Not even in our wildest dreams, we imagine a winter vacation but imagine how amazing it would be. If your prime concern is the possibility of your freezing over, maybe don't fret too much about it and make the following gear available for your trip! We promise it will not be all that bad!



There may be various ailments waiting to ambush you on your winter vacation- so make sure you are ready for war! To tackle the common outbursts of cough brought on by the harsh, dry air, make sure to carry an OTC cough syrup. Find some of the sachet-versions available in the best interest of your luggage concerns as well. Travel sachets are rather easy to pack and tote around in your bag – just make sure you have them in a Ziplock ready to be whipped out for when the cough monster strikes! Some other common medications that are wise to carry around are flu and fever medicine, nasal decongestant and expectorants to remedy any clogged and stuffy noses. Furthermore, if you are prone to body pains and aches carry some pain relief medication too.


Down Jacket

Your best and first line of defence against the biting cold winter weather should be a quality down jacket. They are great insulators and can protect you against the harsh winter chills. In case your itinerary is taking you someplace with heavy snow, make sure your down jacket is also water-proof so that you wouldn't end up getting soaked. If possible, try to opt for a jacket that comes with a detachable hood, preferably one that is lined with an insulating material like faux fur or synthetic wool that coul dhelp protect your head from the cold. If the hood is detachable, it would be much easier to pack into your luggage too don't you think?



When it gets so cold that temperatures fall way below 0°C, you are going to want to be in thermal underwear! They work by trapping your body heat and keeping you warm with it. When it is bound to get that cold, believe us when we say, having thermals is like a warm hug to cheer you up and keep you snug. If you are headed for sub-zero temperatures, opt for woollen thermals- you can thank us later!



Personally, we think that these are absolute must-haves on your winter journey! We tend to widely overlook this scenario, but when the you have exposed areas of skin to the outside, your body tends to lose heat at a rapid rate, especially around delicate areas such as the neck. So, make sure to have a thick cashmere scarf handy to cover up your neck and fright away those winter jitters. Not only is it a good way to cover-up yourself entirely from the cold, but they are also a great tool to accentuate your look with some incredible styling ideas! Even when traveling in the mildly cold climate such as that of Nuwara Eliya Sri Lanka (very cold by Sri Lankan standards), it is a wise garment to carry around. Whenever you decide to step out of the comfort and warmth of one of the hotels in Nuwara Eliya, for instance, the Heritance Tea Factory, a scarf is a great way to keep company. It's not too much, but it is also not too little.



Given the fact that finger-tips have a greater level of sensitivity to stimuli originating from the external environment, packing a pair of quality gloves is essential. Do make sure to look out for waterproof ones as well, because, for as long as you are in the snow, you can never really say when a snow fight will break out with your bests! Furthermore, considering how most devices today are touch-screen, you may also want to look into the possibility of getting a paid that allows you to use your devices even with your gloves on.