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Updated by christyolivia6 on Dec 07, 2019
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Tokenized Asset Offering Company

In a digitally-driven world, blockchains are driving innovation. This decentralized technology empowers users with an immutable, transparent, and secure platform. It has also developed optimal solutions that address issues in a number of industries such as finance, medicine, education, and more.

Types of tokenized asset offerings

In a digitally-driven world, blockchains are driving innovation. This decentralized technology empowers users with an immutable, transparent, and secure platform. It has also developed optimal solutions that address issues in a number of industries such as finance, medicine, education, and more.

Cryptography is used extensively to encrypt transactions and these are stored symmetrically on a distributed peer-to-peer (P2P) network. This helps to create a trustless environment that eliminates the need for third-party intermediaries.

There are many advantages associated with this distributed ledger technology, of which tokenization is a very important facet. Tokenization is known for its “Midas touch” effect, where it instantly transforms previously illiquid assets into marketable units.

An insight into Private Equities and Blockchain technology - Blockchain App Factory

Starting a venture in this technological era has become quite straightforward, and a new concept has emerged from all the chaos – Equity Crowdfunding. It has now become one of the most significant sources of startup financing, compared to traditional venture capital.

According to data from Venture Intelligence, the June quarter of 2017 saw a meteoric rise of over $8.2 Billion of Private Equities investments across 315 deals. This report is the testament of the untapped potential of private equities. Since the 1970s, the private equity market has increased, and large pools of funds were generated to finance large companies during leveraged buyouts.

All these processes were executed through traditional trails of paperwork. The present scenario can be changed with the advent of Blockchain. A decade since its inception, blockchain has proved time and again that its fortress-like security cannot be penetrated. The level of security blockchain offers can be used for disputing deals and customized to meet industries needs. Blockchain’s idea of creating tamper-proof databases has made the financial world shift to it.

asset tokenization platform

Traditionally, the transfer of assets and their ownership is a complex process with numerous steps. It requires middlemen to witness the contract and also involves high costs. Assets like land, gold, or art can be difficult to trade. Blockchain technology is changing this system. Asset tokenization has the following characteristics:

Assets are represented using digital tokens.
These digital tokens can be exchanged easily on a tokenization platform.
All transactions are recorded on the blockchain.
There is no middleman in the transactions. It works on a peer-to-peer system.
There is a significant reduction in the costs involved.

If you’re looking to start an asset tokenization platform of your own, then approach Blockchain App Factory, one of the best and most experienced players in the field. They build platforms in a minimum time period at a reasonable cost! Get in touch with their expert team today!

Equity Token Offering

An Equity Token Offering is a secure means of raising funds. Employing blockchain technology, it is highly efficient and secure. Moreover, it offers investors with digital tokens that are backed by company shares. Looking to launch your own? Get in touch with experts like the ones at Blockchain App Factory and be on your way to reaching your fundraising goals!

Instant liquidity, global exchange, and secure payments are ensured with advanced tokenization platforms. Contact Blockchain App Factory, Tokenization platform Development Company or check out their website to have a look at the list of blockchain-based services they offer. Share your concept with them and get your advanced platform built in no time!

Tokenization Platform Development Company |

Instant liquidity, global exchange, and secure payments are ensured with advanced tokenization platforms. Contact Blockchain App Factory, Tokenization platform Development Company or check out their website to have a look at the list of blockchain-based services they offer. Share your concept with them and get your advanced platform built in no time!

Why an Equity Token Offering is more secure than an ICO.

ICO scams are a dime a dozen. Investors drop real money on financing projects and obtain tokens in the hope that their investment will be positively impacted by the capital gains.

Equity token offerings address the ever prevalent worry that investors have that the ICO project they are investing their hard-earned money in, could be a scam.

Benefits of Asset tokenization

The different benefits of tokenization

The reasons why tokenization is attractive can only be attributed to blockchain which presents a series of advantages:

Immutability – a transaction record and the record of ownership is permanent and cannot be erased.
Universal accessibility – a smartphone with a connection and the credentials to access the data is all you need to affect a transaction from any part of the world at any time of the day.
Cost effective – the smart contracts that control the blockchain eliminate the need for any medication that might translate into costs.
Transparency – the immortality of the blockchain eliminates any possibility of asymmetry of information that might arise during the transfer of ownership.

Asset Tokenization

Tokenize assets with the help of blockchain technology and improve asset liquidity, enable instant transfer of ownership, and reduce the cost of transactions. Get the best asset tokenization services from professional development company, Blockchain App Factory. They offer advanced services to suit your requirements.

The characteristics of an Equity Token

The future is going to be powered by blockchain technology. This technology, also known as digital ledger technology, has the power to process transactions without the need for middlemen. Moreover, the network chronologically records all transactional details and cannot be hacked or manipulated.

An Equity token offering is a fundraising event that runs on blockchain technology. Companies offer Equity tokens to investors. The equity token is a digital token backed by a company’s shares. The following are the characteristics of the equity token:

What is Asset tokenization?

Imagine you had to sell a house. The number of formalities and processes involved could drive someone insane. Moreover, this feat could take even a year’s time! In this time frame, a million things could change in the real estate market. This is the same for any large asset. Blockchain technology has brought an amazing solution in the form of tokenization. So what is asset tokenization? Let’s find out.

The value of the asset is represented with digital tokens on the blockchain.
It allows assets to be traded in fractions due to their digital nature.
Retail investors can take part in this trade as small investments are possible.
The transfer of ownership takes less than a week.
The costs involved are greatly reduced.
There is no requirement for intermediaries or third-party agents.

ETO Development Company

An ETO or Equity Token Offering is a fundraising event in which a company offers its shares in the form of digital tokens. It employs blockchain technology to record transactions and tokenize shares. This method of fundraising provides the following benefits:

There is no need for intermediaries as the blockchain (digital ledger) and smart contracts act as proof of all transactions.
Investors enjoy voting rights, dividends, etc. when they hold equity tokens.
It improves the liquidity of shares in the market. Investors can easily buy/sell equity tokens.
Investments are usually open to anyone. Retail investors have the chance to fund small amounts in exchange for digital tokens.

With the above benefits, you might want to launch your own ETO to raise funds. If you're on the lookout for an ETO Development Company that can help you with the process and launch the perfect ETO for you, then check out Blockchain App Factory. They are an experienced team of developers who understand the market well and will build you equity tokens too! Get in touch with them now.

Benefits of tokenization

Wider investor base
Wider geographic reach
Decreased settlement times
Infrastructure upgrades
Decreased cost for reconciliation within securities trading
Evolution in regulations
Enhanced asset-liability administration
Increase in available collateral