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Updated by Joseph Clark on Dec 02, 2018
Joseph Clark Joseph Clark
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How can you bring your website to the TOP PAGE

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Webzool – Los Angeles SEO | Web Design | Digital Marketing

We create everything, what you need for your business. In fact, if you can describe it we can create it. We don’t like to talk too much. We like to explain our thoughts to you through responsive web designs, unique content, creative graphic design, top of search results on search engines and in loca



Do you know what others say about you when you are not in the room? Well, tough question. But, do you want to predict it? Let us guess, of course!

Everyone wants others to have a positive opinion about him. Especially brands. We can associate positive opinion with a reputation in professional life. It is like playing a game, the more you got positive feedback, the more your reputation is going to increase.

Now, I am going to give you 7 solid reasons why brand reputation effects your business performance?


Having a bad day? Don’t worry, probably the next day you will forget all about that bad day. But, customers don’t. The consumers will never forget bad experience with your product or service. Try to offer the best for them. Don’t forget, first impressions are shown to be very hard to change. And your reputation is up to first impressions.


Listen, but don’t believe. It’s easier to build a building from zero than trying to fix something that already has been built in a wrong way. Of course, there is always a chance to change things, though be sure that you are not going have to do so.


But, today it spreads from “tweet to tweet” not mouth to mouth. If your brand is represented (it should be) on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat and etc. you’ll probably in a “danger”. People are going to voice their opinion about your business more convenient. Do you think that you are the only person who is spreading the word about your business? No, there are more people than you think. Your customers, their neighbors, relatives, and more 2-3 millions of people who you even don’t know. But they knew you.


Engagement with your customers is important. By this way, you can neutralize bad reviews on a crib. Also, people like to hear from their “beloved” brands. Texting or talking with your “brand” will ease their “pain”.


Not every business has a good reputation in the market. So, do you want to be unique? Build a good reputation and be sure that the customers will choose you over your competitors. Most of the time good reputation is a deciding factor for potential customers.


It is a battle and you need supporters. A good reputation will help to collect these supporters without any further inconvenience.


With a good reputation, you are not just going to survive in the business world, you are going to grow with confidence.

An appropriate reputation helps you to win new business, attract new and more professional employees, gain positive media image and build a barrier against your competitors.

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Our Services Our Clients About Us Portfolio Blog Get In Touch HOW EFFECTIVE IS SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AND HOW DOES IT...

Whether you like them or not you should accept the importance of social media platforms. Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform for your business, and it is a powerful way to reach your customers. Firstly, let’s look together what is social media marketing and how it can help you to grow your business.

Social Media Marketing or SMM is a type of online, internet marketing. It covers creating and sharing creative contents related to your business on social media platforms. Mainly it helps you to reach your target audience through social networks. Social Media Marketing is not just about creating content, posting text, photo or video and other content to drive your audience engagement, it is also about paid social media advertising.

The most important point is understanding your audience. Social media is broad (Facebook, Google +, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat). You should choose that which platform is best for your business. Even for big companies trying to keep up with all of these social media platforms can be an overwhelming task. Try to focus on 2 or 3 platforms where your potential customers can find, interact and engage with you.

Interaction is one of the most important points of social media. Without engagement, you just exist on social media platforms nothing more. Talking with the customer is the first step of talking about you and your business. And that is exactly what you want. Being active on social media platforms is also important. With the help of social media analyzing tools find out what times in a day is the most active times on your social media profiles. Try to post more interactive posts about your product, service on these times.

While interacting with your customers, you will get negative feedback for sure. Negative feedback doesn’t have to result in creating a poor or negative image of your business, but it can if you ignore it. Try to understand and get in touch with the problematic customer directly. Leave your customer service number or ask them to send you their details so you can connect with them later.

And last but not least do not forget about paid ads which will help you to reach your audience fast and easy. Last two years Facebook updated its algorithm, prioritizing posts from family and friends at the top. Then it went a step further predicting what posts you would think are informative. Posts that are not getting seen or receiving a lot of engagement on their own should be boosted to reach more people.

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Maybe social media marketing is not the core of your SEO, but you will be surprised to hear that how social media can boost your SEO. Day by day social media is becoming more popular, and it has the variety of platforms. And if you use social media in aright way, your SEO can doubly improve. In fact, your social media presence can significantly increase your search rankings.

Social Media Optimization is about creating, posting and interacting on social media platforms to reach your targeted audience. Let’s discuss how and why improving your social media activity can increase your SEO. We formed eight social media strategies that are shown to boost your SEO effectively.

  1. Optimizing Your Posts for Searches

Like SEO friendly website content you need to create SEO friendly social media content also. First of all, do search the market. Find out which hashtags, keywords or topics your audience use. Later you should use the same phrases and hashtags on your social media contents. These will help your potential customers to find you easier.

  1. Increase your number of followers

No, we don’t advise you to buy proxy Twitter followers or likes on Facebook. Cause, actually Google can detect the quality of your followers. It isn’t possible to fool Google. With the help of paid advertisement try to collect real people who have interest in your product, business or service. The total followers of your accounts on social media have a significant influence on your rankings.

  1. Make your content easy to share

Give your readers chance to share your content quickly on social media. They want to share your article just with one click on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and other networks. You need Optimized Share Button. It automatically generates a shareable message with custom information for your brand.

  1. Images can be a powerful SEO magnet

The big mistake is that you focus on written content over images. Optimizing the images can have a significant impact on visibility in search engines. Images are essential both for social media and search engine optimization. As an example of image-based social media platforms Instagram, Pinterest and Flickr are the most used ones.

  1. Social Media Profiles Rank in Search Engines

Do you know that Google shows your social media profiles amongst the top results in search listings for brand names? Social media platforms are more personal than sites and can explain the company’s personality. Nowadays people prefer to search brand or business on social media platforms rather than on Google. Google gives you information about the brand, but social media shows the company’s image. Social media accounts are the key to your website. If they like your Instagram or Facebook, they will probably check your website too.

  1. Follow the trends

You can get information about what topics are on the trend from different channels like, Google Trends, Google Trends for Websites, Google Insights for Search, etc. Before planning your social media activity or promotional campaigns make sure to check all of these trends to find out what topics are popular.

  1. CRM also boosts SEO

Use your social media platforms to give best customer service. Trying to respond well will result in not only improved customer satisfaction but in SEO success, too. Try to answer a question with the help of links from your website. You can then reply to tweets, comments with a link to the answer.

  1. Use social media meta tags wisely

Social tags are HTML tags that start with the word “meta.” You put these tags in your page’s code to help determine what information appears on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. when people share your URL. Social tags make it easy for people to share, give you control of the shared image and finally help search engine spiders understand what your content is about.

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A full SEO campaign has different steps. Each of these steps is important to achieve success. Though it is hard to say that one step is important more than another, we will try to clarify which aspect of SEO is the most important. Let’s begin to understand the process of SEO.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization – is the process of getting organic traffic search results on search engines such as “Google,” “Yahoo,” “Bing” etc. SEO is constantly moving, changing and improving. You must make sure you keep up-to-date with best practices to claim the best possible rankings for relevant keywords. Here are the steps to full SEO campaign:

  1. Problem Identification

The first step is always important. To plan successful SEO campaign firstly, you should identify the problem. You should monitor the website; you may have been hit with a Google penalty. Do not forget that you should spot Google penalties before they hurt your business.

  1. Keyword research

If you want to learn your target audience as a whole, to find out which words, terms, and phrases to target with SEO you should research your market’s keywords. You do not need to get the visitors to your site; you need to get right kind of visitors.

  1. Content development

Content creation is the foundation of SEO. Only quality of content can keep your customers on your site and distinguishes you from your competitors. Pay attention to the keyword density and the level of anticipating customers’ need. Making a comprehensive list of your primary and secondary keywords will help you to achieve your goal.

  1. Page optimization

With the help of page optimization, you may get more visitors. Page optimization is about page titles, text-based navigation, placement of targeted keyword phrases, website map, etc. Following the new high-quality, building meaningful content on a continual basis will boost your website traffic.

  1. Reporting

It is important how you track your results and report them. You should include detailed information about keyword progress, impact on traffic and ROI. Creating reports every month and comparing them with each other will give you an overview of the progression of SEO.

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As the digital world grows rapidly, all of the business around the globe is turning digital. If you don’t have a place on the web you better hurry since the sooner you start to digital marketing, the faster you boost your business. Being able to reach to millions of people with a move of your finger shows the effectiveness and easiness of digital marketing. So if you are entering the digital world or want to hang on to it, here are the 12 Digital Marketing techniques you can apply to your business in 2018.

Google AdWords is advertising method in which advertisers bid on specific keywords for their ads to appear in Google’s search results. In this system, what you need to do is to select the keywords that represent your business the best and choose a maximum bid for those keywords. Then, when someone searches for those keywords you are ranked with other advertisers according to your highest bid. And your quality score composed of relevance and user experience. Moreover, Google AdWords uses a system that automatically places you to the highest rank possible while paying the lowest possible amount. Hence, more people are able to find your business while you pay the least amount out of your pocket.

SEO is the method of getting your website to rank higher in search engine organic results. SEO is a growing field and people start to realize that the advantages of SEO are extremely high. Every day, millions will use search engines to find products or services. It is the digital age, People trust listing in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, so when your site appears on the first page of major search engines your potential customers are convinced that it is a reputable company. Other than that SEO-optimized websites load faster, are easy to read and surf, and will display properly in almost all types of devices. As soon as you start your SEO efforts, you’ll see a clear-cut increase in traffic. Using tools to track traffic to your site you can clearly watch as more people visit your site and sales go through the roof. That is why small businesses that want to build better brand awareness must invest in SEO and start gaining top rankings. You can read more about SEO here.

Facebook Ads provide you an easy and effective access to a broad range of potential customers or the audience of your choice. Currently, the number of people that use Facebook is about 2 billion. And, people in the US spend 1 of every 5 minutes on Facebook. Which basically means there are thousands of possible customers within your reach every second. With Facebook Ads, you can reach your desired customer to boost your business. In Facebook Ads, you can choose your audience based on age, location, and interests. Choose the ad format you want among various types of eye-catching samples and you will see from the report that this marketing strategy actually works.

We live in a digital world where there is no tolerance to loading web pages. Thus, you have no choice but to be faster if you want a successful business. Slower loading page will both decrease your ranking and dissatisfy your customers. All web reports show that most of the users immediately leave the site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. With Page Speed Optimization you can get the most out of your page with instant response to visitors demands. With this strategy, you make sure that customer stays on the site.

Landing Page is the chance of bounding interested customers to your webpage. In other words, it is the page that your customers see when they first click your ad link or search engine link. This is the page where you get the chance to convert visitors into sales. Landing Page Optimization (LPO) is the way to make your conversion levels rise. Since, Landing Page is of such importance, using LPO to perfect your Landing Page is a valuable task. Yet, don’t be afraid because there are lots of free guides and step by step tutorials out on the web to help you with that crucial task.

Content marketing and blogging isn’t just something for big corporations. When you start whether a small or a wide range business online, the first topic that should be worried about is to create great content. Conversion rates are 6 times higher for content marketing adopters than nonadopters. This way you get to keep and increase your followers. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to create an actually valuable content. Original content is still worth these efforts since it will not only attract visitors it will also increase your site rankings. And the best part is that there are hundreds of free guides you can use online about how to start content creating strategy. You can use content marketing to build an audience and to achieve profitable results such as increased traffic and customers.

It’s no mystery that the video content creation for digital marketing is on the rise. YouTube is now the second largest search engine on the web. While video marketing is usually an afterthought, its value demands a leading position in your content marketing plan. Firstly, utilizing video in your content marketing efforts will no doubt improve your SEO. In fact, according to Comscore, adding a video to your website can increase the chance of a front-page Google by about 50 times. Videos obviously attract more consumer attention than any other content. And while we’re in the midst of a content-overload for consumers, capturing attention is particularly a key. A video is the most powerful way to evoke emotions online. It’s the best because it offers characteristics beyond traditional content like a tone of voice, facial expressions, music and so on.

Craigslist can be a wild ride. It is one of the huge platforms you can advertise your business. You can buy and sell almost anything, not to mention the personals section. Yet, the biggest problem is to stand out in those thousands of posts. If you want your Craigslist post to stand out, you need to put a little more effort into it than the average poster. Affordable craigslist posting can help you grow your business to gain customers and generate exposure. This marketing strategy can be amazingly successful for any of your business.

Maps are one of the apps that Google has spent the most time refining and improving. And the results speak for themselves. Most of us only use maps to navigate through cities, but it’s much more than a means of getting around. It’s an incredibly powerful marketing tool. Google Maps and iMaps optimization is the process of using maps’ functionality to make your business easier to find for customers. The ultimate objective of Google Maps marketing is to achieve a ranking as high as possible in the local business results listings on the Google Maps results. For example, when customers search for a hotel, Google Maps automatically marks the closest place as A, the second B and so on. If used strategically, Google Maps and iMaps optimization will take you one step ahead.

Social media marketing is the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites to achieve your branding goals. You can do activities like posting text, image, video contents that encourage audience engagement. This method can also involve paid social media advertising. Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. Succesful marketing on social media can bring extraordinary success to your business, creating brand supporters and even driving sales. If you have content that you believe your targeted audience would enjoy, you could reap tremendous benefits and earn valuable traffic. Platforms are opportunities for you to share your expertise, so you should find and engage your audience.

Today, in the market there are tons of businesses, therefore, it became much more important to create awareness. People should know you are here. This can be achieved with Guest Posting and Backlink Creation. If you write on another blog you can add the address to your blog, this is called Guest Posting. What Backlink is that the link you have directed to your site on another website. One of the key points to organically rank higher on search engines’ result pages is to have good backlinks. The only way to create good backlinks is to publish content that users find useful. The quantity and the quality of the backlinks you have are also important for SEO and to be ranked higher. Therefore, adding more backlinks directed to your website will probably be a good strategy.

Email marketing definition is the use of email to develop relationships with potential customers and/or clients. Spam emails we all get claiming ‘deals’ are good examples of email marketing at its worst; At its best, email marketing allows businesses to keep their customers informed and deliver their marketing messages to their customers. Particular groups of customers can be targeted or even individuals. Offering special deals on your customers’ birthdays, for example, is one example of email marketing personalization. Email marketing helps you maintain a relationship with customers over time that hopefully results in increased sales and customer loyalty.

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