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Cypresswood Montessori School

Cypresswood Montessori School is a private, co-educational school located in Spring, Texas within a planned community.

Our school is a 7,000 sq. ft. facility with a large indoor gym, a theater for dramatic play, and a huge outdoor playground.

The school was established in January 2002 and is bright, clean, and pleasant.

Factors to Focus on to Promote a Child’s Holistic Growth

If you want your children to become well-rounded adults, enrolling them at a Montessori School in Spring, Texas is a wise idea.

Early Childhood Education Insights: Some Perks of Individualized Learning

An effective way to make sure your children enjoy this environment is by enrolling them at a Montessori School in Spring, Texas.

The 8 Guiding Principles of Montessori Education

Following these eight principles, Cypresswood Montessori School promotes the learners’ holistic development.

Montessori School | Child Care Programs

Are you looking for child care programs in Spring, Texas? Cypresswood Montessori School offers early childhood programs for your children.

Benefits of Montessori Education: What’s in It for Your Children

Enrolling your children at a montessori school in Spring, Texas can really give your children a lot of benefits.

Developmental Milestones from 6 Months to 4 Years

When they become toddlers, you can enroll them at a Montessori school in Spring, Texas for them to be in a nurturing environment.

Quirky Toddler Behavior You Need to Learn How to Handle Effectively

Having walked and talked for the first time, the “terrible twos” might show an unruly attitude, which can cause stress to new parents.

Early Childhood Education | Programs | Spring, Texas

The goal of the Montessori curriculum is to emphasize independence and respect for a child’s natural psychological development, as well as technological advancements. Below you’ll find a brief summary of all the child care programs we proudly offer here at Cypresswood Montessori School. Make sure you click on the link to see more details and information!

Montessori School in Spring, Texas

At Cypresswood Montessori School, we follow the Montessori method of teaching. Visit us to learn more.

What to Expect at a Montessori School

Are you looking for a preschool for your children? Are you looking forward to enjoyable learning opportunities your kids can enjoy?

Montessori School: Equipping Children with the 4 Cs of Success

Unlike traditional schools that focus on book-based insights, a Montessori school focuses on the individual growth of a student.

Life Skills Children Should Learn Early in Life

An effective way to help them get started is to enroll them at a Montessori school in Spring, Texas.

Guiding Principles to Raise Happy Kids

Are you looking forward to your children growing up as successful adults? If you are, be sure to fill their childhood years with happiness. Yes, enrolling them at a Montessori school in Spring, Texas helps because this is where they’ll gain experience-based learning. But, if you want to put in additional effort, make sure to follow these principles to teach them at home

Healthy Habits Children Need to Learn Early in Life

Did you know that the habits formed during childhood actually determine your children’s success in life? So aside from enrolling your children at a Montessori school in Spring, Texas, it also helps to teach them some healthy habits at home.

Simple, Effective Ways to Teach Time Management

Time lost is lost forever. Yes, they can learn effective time management tips from a reliable Montessori school in Spring, Texas. But it’s good to start their time management training at home where you can monitor them closely.

Handling Kids: Effective Ways to Control Tantrums

As they grow up, children will start to show some quirky behaviors, and one of which is throwing a tantrum. This is common for preschoolers and toddlers. This can be caused by a lot of factors, including hunger, pain, lack of attention, and exhaustion. In short, tantrums are children’s way of expressing their emotions, especially if their feelings go unnoticed.

Easy and Proven Ways to Handle a Toddler’s Power Struggle

Toddlers can be hard-headed at times. They might have learned to assert their “no!” in an annoying way, usually with a loud cry or scream. In the words of L.R. Knost, “When little people experience big emotions, it is our job to bring the calm, not join the chaos.” Yes, it’s good to enroll them at a Montessori School in Spring, Texas that also offers Toddler’s Programs to ease your task of handling their power struggle. But, if you want to learn how to manage your little ones’ exercise of power, here’s how to get started:

Motivate Your Child to Become Physically Active

Children need to stay physically active to avoid having an unhealthy weight. However, many parents may not feel comfortable letting their child wander around the neighborhood like what children did generations ago. As a result, children today may not have that many opportunities to become active.

Let Us Teach Children to Be Street Smart

When you enroll your child in a Montessori school in Spring, Texas, we don’t only help them become book smart. We also teach them how to become street smart.

Whether your child walks to their school bus, hang out on the playground, or ride a bike in the neighborhood, being street smart helps keep them stay safe. They'll know their way around and handle themselves in tough situations.

Benefits of Play-based Early Childhood Education

A play-based learning plan, such as the one used in a Montessori school in Spring, Texas and other States, might actually be what your child needs to groom them up for success. Why? Educational psychologists suggest that integrating games in a child’s learning process helps them learn faster.

The Seven Guiding Principles When Teaching Children

Unlike educating adults, teaching kids is different in a lot of ways. This is the reason early childhood development programs implemented in a Montessori school in Spring, Texas differs from that of a high school curriculum. In a gist, schools for children follow these guiding principles:

How to Prepare Your Children for Montessori School

Prior to formal education, many parents usually enroll their kids at a Montessori school to give their kids the first taste of schooling. If you’ve also considered doing the same, here are the ways to give them a head start prior to their first day at a Montessori school in Spring, Texas

Evening Routines for Kids

Helping your kids develop a good evening routine influences their adult life. Why? With the right evening routines, they’d be able to get a good sleep, which in turn influences their mood as they wake up in the morning. Especially if your kids are just starting school, a good evening routine can help them handle their day effortlessly.

Exercise Together as a Family

You don't often see parents and their child doing exercise together during a family activity. It is usually dining in a restaurant, watching movies, or having picnics. However, that doesn't mean you can't round up everyone in your household to make exercising a family thing!

What to Do When Your Child Hates Bathtime

Good hygiene helps keep your child healthy. However, some children don’t like to take a bath because they dislike shivering in cold water. They also don’t like being interrupted when they’re playing. There can be other reasons that some parents tend to overlook.