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Updated by Mark Gibbons on Aug 24, 2017
Mark Gibbons Mark Gibbons
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Five top ways to deter burglars

Recent reports of rising crime rates in the West Midlands included a worrying statistic for homeowners, with the region experiencing an 11% rise in reports of burglary.

Here we offer five recognised ways of deterring burglars and preventing your home from becoming another figure in the region’s most unfavourable statistics.


Strong lock systems

Strong lock systems

The external doors to your home are a natural point of entry for a burglar and offer the easiest passage in and out of your home. However heavy doors with modern lock systems such as our burglar-proof ABS Locks will prove impossible for a burglar to break through, especially without drawing attention to the break-in.


UPVC windows

Windows are another easy entry point for a burglar and old window systems, especially those left unclosed or broken, are an open invite for criminals to access your home. Modern window systems with advanced lock systems can be pivotal to protecting your property, so make sure to have them shut and in full working order.


CCTV cameras

CCTV cameras

It’s no surprise that even the boldest burglars don’t want to appear on camera, even when their faces are covered. Most convictions for burglary come with the help of CCTV footage, so installing a system on your property will act as a great deterrent.


The sound of a barking dog

The sound of a barking dog

Man’s best friend can also be a burglar's worst enemy. An agitated dog can make an awful lot of noise, certainly enough to alert a neighbour, and will often persuade a would-be house invader that yours is a property not to be messed with.


Leave your TV set running

If anything is likely to deter a burglar, it’s the possibility of encountering a homeowner when a robbery is in progress. Leaving the TV running when you leave your home suggests to a potential intruder that the property may be occupied, a risk they are unlikely to be willing to take.


How the Chubb Locksmiths team can help

How the Chubb Locksmiths team can help

If you’d like to find out more about protecting your home from intruders, contact the friendly team at Chubb Locksmiths on 07817 643167.