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Updated by The Glass Company, WI on Jun 25, 2018
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The Glass Company, WI

Glass Company in Brookfield, WI | If you have questions about Window Panes, Glass Doors or Insulated Glass, feel free to call us at 414-702-8339.

CAUTION: Don’t Entrust the Fragile Glass Works to a Newbie

The mere sound of the word glass immediately sends signals to us to be careful about it. Warnings such HANDLE WITH CARE, FRAGILE, BREAKABLE and the like flash in our minds at once. — Read More

An Innocuous -Looking Windshield Crack May Not Be Safe At All

It’s impossible to elude objects going straight at us while we are driving, especially at high speed. They can be small pebbles on the road that are sent flying when another vehicle passes them by. It can take the form of an unlucky bird that has just lost its dodging skill or a hard object falling from a construction site. — Read More

5 Common Types Of Glass And Their Uses

Anyone building or renovating their home should know about the different types of glass and their benefits?. Each type of glass is unique and is always used for a specific purpose. The most common ones you need to know about are: — Read More

How To Choose The Type Of Glass For Your Exterior Windows

There’s a lot that comes into play when building a home. Every little detail from its planning to its construction is carefully designed and executed. Choosing every type of glass that makes up your house is a big part of this. — Read More

Why You Should Choose Tinted Glass For Your Car Windows

Some of us aren’t fully aware of the advantages of having our car windows tinted. We commonly think it’s just to keep people from seeing what’s inside, but, window tints can actually protect us from harm. Did you know that it’s designed not to shatter in tiny pieces? That makes it difficult for anyone to break your windows if they want to take things from your car. It also keeps you safe from shards of flying glass in the case of an accident. On the whole, it’s a much safer option. — Read More

5 Tips For Cleaning Your Glass Windows At Home

Glass windows can catch dirt and collect dust easily, which is why we need to exert more effort in cleaning them and keeping it that way. We can’t just ignore our dirty windows and leave them be because that will make things worse. — Read More

Make Your Car Windows Sparkle In Two Ways

Most of the world’s population now has automobiles. We cannot deny the fact that our lives have become more convenient and more comfortable ever since the creation of automobiles. Because automobiles have been such a blessing to us, The Glass Company, WI deems it very integral to be good stewards of our cars. This means that as car owners, it is our utmost priority to take care of our automobiles and to maintain its cleanliness. One of the most important parts of automobiles that have to be kept tidy is the car window. Our Glass Company in Brookfield, WI considers the truth that car windows are prone to dirt, tree sap, fingerprints, old stickers, bugs, debris and even bird droppings. However, there are a lot of glass-cleaning techniques that are available for us. It is our desire in The Glass Company, WI that people will be more knowledgeable about the said techniques. Therefore, we, in The Glass Company, WI listed two things to consider in making your car windows sparkling clean. — Read More

3 Reasons to Convince You Why Tempered Glass is Better

Throughout the span of time, we have come across different types of glass used by businesses and even individuals. The various types of glass include standard, laminated and tempered glass. In today’s modern world, we noticed that businesses have moved from using regular glasses to utilizing tempered glasses for their windows. By definition, a tempered glass is a kind of glass that has been toughened through a series of processes. The glass is treated with intense heat and various chemicals so that it will be more strengthened. Because of its wide and popular use, the Glass Company in Brookfield, WI offers affordable installation of tempered glass that is of great quality. Moreover, the Glass Company in Brookfield, WI deems it important to delve upon the vast benefits of using tempered glass which will explain why businesses prefer it over regular ones. — Read More

How a Glass Company in Brookfield, WI can Help you this Easter

Thinking of April can bring a lot of things to mind. Some of these include repairing your garden for summer, opening of the flea market, spring showers, and Easter. A lot of the American populace associate Easter with family dinners, church, and Easter egg hunts. — Read More

What Nobody Tells you about Thermal Pane Windows

When clients ask about what a thermal pane window is, we answer them with two descriptions: high-performance glasses and efficiency. After all, this is what a thermal pane window is about. — Read More

Four Tips to Protect your Furnishings from Sun Damage

Summer is almost here, so we should start opening our curtains and welcoming the sunshine into our home. Sunlight can improve the look of a room. It has the ability to give colors and make a room look bigger. However, natural light can fade your carpet, fabric, wood, and curtains. It has ultraviolet rays that can cause photodegradation, which involves the rays breaking down a lot of the chemicals in carpeting fabric and furniture dyes. The breakdown of these chemicals results in the fading of the color. But we have some solutions to help you in getting the most out of the sunlight while protecting the interior of your home.

Why Getting the Right Window Matters

Even before architecture and interior designing have been named as an art discipline, windows are already being installed in many establishments. More than utility, it has also been built to add sense, convenience, and aesthetic to the building. Unless if you are planning on building an igloo, windows are essential! It is where natural light comes in during the day. It is also your lens to see what is happening outside. When placed accordingly, windows can become one of your building’s defining asset.

What Glass Options Can You Choose for Your Storefront

The first thing that clients see when they visit a commercial establishment is the front door. To create a positive impression for potential clients, it is imperative to pick out an impressive storefront too. Since that is the case, the best recommendation you can take into consideration is to pick out a glass storefront.

Which Type of Door Lock Should You Choose?

We feel the safest at home. Most of us choose to stay and relax at home because it is the only place where we can do whatever we want and be free from work-related stress. Be that as it may, our home is not always safe.

7 Interesting Reasons Why You Should Install More Glasses in Your Home

Glass. A material that represents both clarity and fragility. It is a pristine material that has a timeless charm which never failed to impress people of varying generations. Indeed, it can be very flexible too.

7 Important Security Features Your Car Must Have

In some occasions, cars are not only for transportation purposes. When push comes to shove, it can become a product that will protect our lives, just like during vehicular accidents.

The Basic Guide to Glass Care and Maintenance

Window glasses are a great asset of a building. May it be a residential or commercial property, a glass window significantly plays a huge part in making the infrastructure look more appealing. However, without proper care, the glass can rapidly deteriorate.

This Is Why Families in Milwaukee County Choose The Glass Company, WI

The glass industry is growing and there are more and more companies opening businesses. And yet, the Glass Company in Brookfield, WI remains to be one of the trusted companies in Milwaukee County.

Aesthetic Windows: Choosing the Best Windows for Your Home

Windows are an important part of any home or building. So take your time when you are looking for the best windows for your home as they will not only have a huge impact on the appearance of the house but they can help you save money in the long run.

How Can Your Windows Impact Your Bank Account?

Depending on the kind of windows you have, you may actually be losing a lot of money on a yearly basis. Many homes, especially older houses equipped with basic single pane windows. They get the job done but they do not insulate very well.

Why You Should Consider Having a Glass Door

When you watch movies, try to look at the doors of the set. What do you observe? What is it usually made of? A long, long time ago, homeowners prefer to have a big and heavy door as the main entrance to their abode. Most of these doors are even made of wood.

Reasons Why Homeowners are Investing on a Wall of Windows

Picture this: after years of hard work, you finally bought the property you want your home to rise up from. You have already invested on the needed money to build your own house. And then you start planning.

Beginner’s Guide: Choosing Glass for Your Windows

Windows is part and parcel of every home. It gives out the light in a wall enclosed room.

3 Things to Consider Before You Replace Your Windows

Smart spending entails you have a budget for your expenses and you deal with quality materials as well.