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Updated by Lindsay Lilo on Dec 15, 2016
Lindsay Lilo Lindsay Lilo
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All you need to know about designing a logo for you brand new website.

Logos are important to a website much like a face is important to a name. Having a logo for your websites helps that person associate an object or image with an idea and having one of your very own is crucial to making a successful site


All you need to know about designing a logo for you brand new website.

All you need to know about designing a logo for you brand new website.

.### Simplicity is Key

Minimalism is trending in design and your logo should reflect that. Having a simple and distinct logo makes sure that it is easy to remember and recognizable. If it’s a good logo, often times you won’t even need text to accompany it as it will speak for itself. Many successful brands incite powerful reactions from simple designs, such as the giant brands of Nike and Apple.


Simplicity isn’t enough though. Being clever makes it remembering the brand easier because they have to realize why it is clever and then internalize and associate it with your website. If your logo is a clever play off of whatever your website is will help users in the future remember your site.


While there have been many successful logos that are the simple black and white, color may be your advantage over other, plainer designs. Color theory has been an important part of branding since it was discovered through research. The basic description of the theory is that certain colors can create neurological responses in your brain, associating that color with a certain emotion. Using those emotions to your advantage can help give you an edge over your competition.


Your logo needs to be able to appeal to as many people as possible and if your logo never changes than the people who don’t like your logo will continue to not like your logo. If it changes every so often it keeps it from becoming stale and helps you reach out to others who may not have liked it before. These changes don’t even need to be big, just making minute changes every few months helps your logo appeal to more people.

Finding Designers

When looking for someone to make your logo keep your expectations set accordingly. If you don’t have a big budget don’t expect the next “Nike Swoosh”. Your idea of what the final logo should look like needs to be a combination of all the others factors we have listed and the budget you set for it. Try to find a web design agency that specialize in Logo design and development.

Copy Cat

Just because it worked for someone else, doesn’t mean it’ll work for you. Your logo should be unique and not just a version of an already popular logo. It won’t get you more attention and those companies you are trying to emulate won’t be very happy with you either.


When you are done with your logo, you need to test it out. Ask your friends, family, colleagues, or random internet forums what they think (granted some are more likely to be constructive than others). Once you have put together what you think is the perfect logo for your site, you should be proud and display it prominently for everyone to see.