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Updated by vanpelt-r on May 16, 2016
Headline for Religions of the Middle East
vanpelt-r vanpelt-r
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Religions of the Middle East

Here is a list of sites to introduce you to the various religions practiced by the people of the Middle East. This list is to be used in a 7th grade Social Studies classroom to give students some background from different sources on the types of religions practiced in the Middle East.

Global Connections . Religion | PBS

This site compares and contrast the three major religions of the Middle East, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Use this site to create a Venn Diagram comparing the three religions of the Middle East.

The Role of Religion in Modern Middle East Conflicts - Video & Lesson Transcript |

This lesson will explore the religious conflicts of the Middle East. It will specifically describe the conflicts between Sunni and Shiite Muslims,...

Students will watch the video and complete all activities for the lesson, including the quiz.

Vocabulary words for 7th grade Middle East Religions & Ethnic Groups. Includes studying games and tools such as flashcards. Students can use this site to study vocabulary.

Students will use this site to review vocabulary and practice for tests and quizzes.


This site provides current news on the hot topics concerning religion in the Middle East.

Students need to explore this site to see up to date information on the happenings in the Middle East. Write a brief summary on at least two of the current events.

Teachers First - Thinking Teachers Teaching Thinkers

This site provides an interactive approach to learning the countries and religions of the Middle East.

Students will use this site to review the location of the countries and the religions associated with those countries.


Religion Map of Middle East

Religion Map of Middle East

This image gives a visual representation of the geography and percentages of the different religions on the Middle East. Use this image to fill in the information on your map with the religion and percentages of the various religions of the Middle East.