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Updated by Steve Cassady on Oct 10, 2017
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All About Twitter Chats

This list contains information about Twitter Chat Sessions: Your Personal Learning Center. We'll share how you can find them, tips for participating, and how to host.


TweetChat is a very popular tool used by participants of Twitter Chat Sessions. It provides auto-hashtagging and tweet and flow management of your twitter chat session. | Twitter Hashtag Tracking and Analytics

Great source to get free transcripts of Twitter Chat Sessions. Chat Owners, can benefit from the paid version that provides lots of analytical information.

15 Essential Twitter Chats for Social Media Marketers

If you want a few tips on how to best create a great chat on Twitter, here are 15 hashtags that fit the bill.

Tweet Chats 101: 41 Success Tips for Moderators, Participants & Guests! | The Marketing Nut

Tweet Chats, #TweetChats, Hashtags, or even hashbrowns as one of my clients first called them. Tweet chats benefits include build community, grow following & more.

Welcome to Google Docs Listing Of Twitter Chat Schedule

Crowd sourced docuement of Twitter Chat Sessions created through Google Doc's

Are U Ready To Make Twitter Chats part of SocMedia Strategy? | Social Media Explorer

This article breaks down the what, why, and how Twitter Chats can and must become an indispensable part of your organizations social media success strategy.



Digital PR: Teasing out the Potential of Twitter Chats (Part I) -

By Judy Gombita, Co-Editor and Canadian Contributor, PR Conversations
Ronjini Mukhopadhyay: "Having Chakra around makes my work day fly by." #solopr Can

Digital PR: Teasing out the Potential of Twitter Chats (Part II) -

By Judy Gombita, Co-Editor and Canadian Contributor, PR Conversations
"Conversations are meant to take people to a new place and #kaizenblog has done that

List of Tweetchats - A PR Social Media Resource

A great list of Tweetchats organized by Sunject, name and time of chat.


Everything you ever wanted to know about the #LinkedInChat moderated by @LinkedInExpert (Viveka von Rpsen) and @SteveCassady

Twitter TweetChat Tutorial

Pam Moore CEO MarketingNutz, Social Brand, Digital Marketing, Reputation Management Agency provides a tutorial for how to participate in a tweet chat using t...

Top 16 Twitter chats for social media and PR pros | Articles

Want to discuss social media with professionals from all over the country? Don’t miss out on these popular Twitter chats.

Top 5 Tweet Chats You Must Attend —

In a world with hundreds of Tweet chats to choose from, there are so many that you can chat practically every day of the week if you want.  A Tweet chat is a when a group of people get together at a pre-determined time and date to discuss a specific topic using Twitter. My favorites fall into the categories of social media, marketing, and software tools.  How does a Tweet chat work?

5 Steps to a Successful Twitter Chat | Social Media Today by @justrum

Twitter chats are starting to become more Image and more popular and there are reasons for it, 1) promote your brand organically  2) gather like minded participants for intriguing conversation 3) they are easy to set up 4) traffic and reach from the chat is easy to measure 5) It's not another boring webinar

How to Twitter Chat with Tweetchat! Easy and Fun! Lots of Pics! — A.F.MarCom

My favorite Twitter chat program is a free, web-based application called Tweetchat. Here’s a quick photo tutorial for using it.

12 Most Invigorating Twitter Chats for Go-Getters

Dana Sitar recommends the 12 Most Invigorating Twitter Chats for Go-Getters.

9 Twitter Chat Best Practices from Dun and Bradstreet [Interview]

"Maximizing Your Social" is all about fully leveraging the opportunities that social media holds for your entire enterprise.

Twitter Chat: What it is and How to Join One Using TweetGrid

There are many reasons why people use hashtags (#) on Twitter: categorizing a tweet, joining a trending topic conversation, or tweeting about a live event while virtually networking with attendees. Without your knowing it, some of those using hashtags may even be engaging in Twitter Chats: You can safely assume that anyone using a hashtag that ends in "chat" is doing so.

Steve Cassady twitter chats presentation

Twitter Chat presentation made on February 16, 2012 #Eavenar Webinar. The event was hosted by Michael Todd 9@mqtodd). The presentation focused on the benefits

oneQube SmartStream, A Free Twitter Chat Platform, Launched Today By Internet Media Labs

Internet Media Labs today announced the launch of oneQube SmartStream, a free Twitter chat platform designed to support the hundreds of active Twitter chats that were rocked by this week's news about the imminent demise of TweetChat, a popular chat client that will soon stop working as a result of Twitter's latest API changes.

10 Tips for Participating in Dizzying Twitter Chats by @profkrg

Twitter chats can be a dizzying at first, but the information you gain and the relationships you build make them worth a bit of head spinning. Here's my advice for those who are new to Twitter chats. What's yours?

Twitter Chats, How to Create a Successful Tweet Chat |

Are you familiar with Twitter chats? Wondering how Twitter chats can help market your business? To learn more about Twitter chats and what they can mean for your business, I interview Pam Moore for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner.